Tag Archives: lethargy

Running nearly dry…

Just looked at my blog and noted that a candid and somewhat embarrassing post about my bout with colorectal cancer. That was my top post ever since the end of July.

What is intended to be a weekly offering, is my offering up myself weakly. The last two years have worn on us all. I could catalogue the struggles, but I feel that it would come across as whining instead of inspirational sharing. I’ve lost confidence in my writing for the short run.

I can still cook, and clean, and even paint a little. Our son is moving out, and that has given us opportunities to clear out and repurpose spaces. The sewing room has been hoed out to the hardwood floors for the first time in years. His bedroom will become my study/guest room. With luck, spaces in the basement will loosen up enough that I can clear my workshop area in time for Halloween.

The querying process for “The Silk Empress” to agents has not been inspiring. I continue to tweak that manuscript while I intermittently poke two new WIPs with a stick. Neither has gotten up on its hind legs to run, but I keep nudging.

At least on Labor Day, I can put in the work to post a new blog entry. Enjoy your barbecues, folks.


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